Working on a new project for Web3D enabled virtual music experiences.
No client download or login, join live music scenes in your web browser.
Click the button above to enter Neon City demo, lets build some clubs!
We need access to editor tools to build these VR experiences on-the-fly.
Add custom models, animes, new worlds/scenes, audio/video interaction.
Adding our own live music streams for online DJ’s and live music events.
We can create teleporters to go between worlds, by walking through them.
We can drag models and object into a scene and add audio/video actions.
Adding music or live audio/video content to in-world objects/display units.
If you like this project want to see how it grows, consider a small donation.
Focus / Goals:
– Create an online multiplayer Web3D experience.
– Built-in p2p messenger, emojis, animes, smileys.
– Avatar selection and avatar customization tools.
– Live music & DJ’s, virtual clubs & virtual studios.
– Access any world/scene from your web browser.
– Walk-through teleporter: to go between worlds.
– No need to download a game client to access.
– No user logins required to enjoy VR worlds.
– Enjoy live music, chat with friends in Web3D.